MotoGP racing

MotoGP™ VIP-Tickets

MotoGP™ Veranstaltungen

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MotoGP-Hospitality | MotoGP-VIP-Tickets

Erleben Sie erstklassige Motorradrennen in den Jahren 2022 und 2023 mit MotoGP-Hospitality und machen Sie Ihr Erlebnis zu einem unvergesslichen Erlebnis! Als älteste etablierte Motorsport-Weltmeisterschaft gibt es keinen besseren Ort, um rasante Rennaction zu erleben.

Seat Unique freut sich, den Fans den Zugang zu den kommenden MotoGP-Rennen auf der ganzen Welt zum Finale der Saison 2022 sowie zu den Rennen im nächsten Jahr, einschließlich der mit Spannung erwarteten Rennen wie Silverstone MotoGP, zu eröffnen.

Wenn Sie am Grand Prix Motorradrennen teilnehmen möchten, stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie einen Tag voller unglaublicher Sport- und Luxusangebote genießen, indem Sie sich ein MotoGP-Hospitality Package sichern. Mit einem Hospitality-Paket genießen Sie Vorteile wie VIP-Zugang, Zugang zur privaten Lounge, offene Bar, Frühstücksbuffet, Gourmet-Mittagessen und Leckereien am Nachmittag. Wenn das noch nicht genug wäre, befinden Sie sich mitten im Geschehen und erhalten bei einem unglaublichen Logeenspaziergang und einer geführten Paddock-Club-Tour Einblicke in den Sport.

Perfekt für Motorsportliebhaber oder als Geschenk. MotoGP-VIP-Tickets und Hospitality werden mit Sicherheit in Erinnerung bleiben. Stellen Sie also sicher, dass Sie Ihr MotoGP-Premiumticket und Ihr Hospitality Package jetzt bei Seat Unique kaufen und garantieren Sie einen unvergesslichen Tag!

The 2022 MotoGP™ season crowned a new champion in the form of Italy’s Francesco Bagnaia, who beat out the defending champion, Fabio Quartararo, by 13 points.

Six-time World Champion and all-round modern MotoGP™ racing legend Marc Marquez had a difficult campaign in 2022, competing in 12 of the 20 rounds of the year due to an ongoing condition. He still competed well when he was racing on a Sunday, never finishing outside the top 10 when he did finish and picking up one pole position and one podium.

Marquez’s teammate, 2020 World Champion Joan Mir, will be looking to get back to winning ways, after a disappointing season that saw him retire from six races and not compete in four due to injuries inflicted by a crash at the Austrian MotoGP.

With four fantastic World Champions on the grid, along with a plethora of young promising talents who are very capable of standing on the top step. It will be a season that you won't want to miss, so make sure to treat yourself to MotoGP™ hospitality and premium tickets so you can enjoy the exhilarating action in the most perfect way possible.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much are MotoGP tickets?

MotoGP hospitality packages start at £2399 + VAT per person at Seat Unique.

When do MotoGP tickets go on sale?

MotoGP hospitality tickets for the 2023 season are now on sale at Seat Unique.

Is MotoGP faster than F1?

When accelerating from 0 to 200kph, MotoGP outperforms F1. At approximately 180kph, the F1 car relies entirely on its electronics, whereas MotoGP riders can still manipulate the throttle. The F1 car achieves this acceleration in 5.2 seconds, while the MotoGP bike does it in 4.8 seconds. Moving on to 0-300kph, the MotoGP bike takes 11.8 seconds, whereas the single-seater F1 car accomplishes this in just 10.6 seconds.

Are MotoGP bikes automatic?

MotoGP bikes are not automatic; they have manual gearboxes. Despite the smooth operation and lack of visible clutch-hand action in televised footage, MotoGP bikes utilize manual transmissions. The gears in these bikes are arranged in reverse, compared to normal motorcycles. This means that the gear-shifting pattern is different from what most riders are used to. MotoGP riders are able to change gears quickly and efficiently using the manual gearbox on their bikes.

Who is the MotoGP champion?

The winner of the MotoGP World Championship in 2022 was Francesco Bagnaia. Bagnaia, a rider from the Ducati Lenovo Team, secured the championship title by finishing in the top ten in the final race of the season in Valencia. This victory marked Bagnaia's first MotoGP World Championship title.

Mehr Informationen über MotoGP™