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Eine private Hospitality Suite für Freunde, Familie und Kollegen ist die ultimative Art, die Pferderennbahn von Newbury zu erleben. In Kombination mit außergewöhnlichen Ausblicken auf das Rennen von der legendären Berkshire Tribüne aus bieten unsere einzigartigen Speisen- und Getränkepakete ein Renntagserlebnis für jedes Budget und jede Anforderung.
Newbury Racecourse plays host to a wealth of fantastic horse racing events, including:
The Dubai Duty Free Spring Trials kick off the flat season at Newbury Racecourse and is one of the earliest chances to see the season’s early Group races.
This day at Newbury Racecourse, known as the Party in the Paddock, is the perfect opportunity for racegoers to enjoy the racing action alongside a live performance from musical legend, Tom Jones.
The end of the flat season at Newbury Racecourse is not one to be missed as guests wave goodbye to the season and enjoy the fun of Oktoberfest.
In December, the Coral Gold Cup will take place at Newbury Racecourse. The jump racing event is typically a great social and festive occasion that allows guests to see some of the three mile champions in action.
Secure your VIP hospitality tickets for these unmissable events at Newbury Racecourse in 2023, and elevate your race day experience to new levels.