Billy Joel Live

Billy Joel VIP-Tickets

StartMusikRockBilly Joel

Billy Joel Veranstaltungen

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Billy Joel VIP-Tickets und Hospitality Pakete | Billy Joel BST Hyde Park 2023

Mit 160 Millionen verkauften Platten weltweit ist Billy Joel einer der meistverkauften Musikkünstler aller Zeiten und sein Einfluss auf die Musikwelt ist bis heute stark.

Billy Joel wird 2025 nach Großbritannien zurückkehren:

7. Juni 2025 - Murrayfield Scottish Gas Stadium, Edinburgh

Billy Joel Tickets bei Murrayfield sind jetzt im Verkauf!

Mit den Billy Joel VIP-Paketen genießen Sie die besten Plätze im Haus und einen unvergleichlichen Blick auf die Bühne. Darüber hinaus werden Sie sich mit erstklassigen Hoteleinrichtungen wie einem echten Star fühlen, darunter schneller Eintritt, Zugang zur VIP-Lounge, Inklusivgetränke, exklusiver Barzugang und köstliche Catering-Optionen. Billy Joel Hospitality Tickets sind der perfekte Weg, um die fantastische Musik des Sängers zu genießen


Gönnen Sie sich also nicht die Hospitality von Billy Joel und seien Sie mit Seat Unique im VIP-Stil dabei.

Was beinhaltet ein Billy Joel VIP-Ticket?

Hier sind nur einige der Vorteile, die Sie erwarten können, wenn Sie ein VIP-Konzertticket für die bevorstehende Show von Billy Joel buchen:

Zugang zur VIP-Lounge: Genießen Sie den Zugang zu den VIP-Lounges, die eine ruhige Flucht vor den lauten Menschenmengen* bieten.

Schneller Einlass: Nutzen Sie die VIP-Eingänge oder die bevorzugten Warteschlangen, um lange Warteschlangen zu vermeiden, um den Veranstaltungsort mit den Hospitality-Paketen* von Billy Joel zu betreten.

Inklusive Speisen und Getränke: VIP-Ticketpakete können Speisen und Getränke beinhalten. Sowohl alkoholische als auch alkoholfreie Getränke können gekauft werden, auch wenn Ihr Paket sie nicht abdeckt*.

Premium-Sitze: Sehen Sie sich die Show von Premium-Sitzen an erstklassigen Orten an, z. B. in VIP-Bereichen in der Nähe der Bühne oder auf erhöhten Plattformen mit ungehinderter Sichtlinie. Dies gewährleistet einen unglaublichen Blick auf die Aufführung, ohne dass Sie früh dort sein müssen, um einen Platz zu finden*


Erstklassige Ausstattung: Mit Billy Joel VIP* können private Toiletten, Garderoben und Concierge-Services genutzt werden.

*Bitte beachten Sie, dass die oben aufgeführten Inklusivleistungen für VIP-Tickets und Hospitality Packages auf typischen Angeboten für Konzerte basieren.

Billy Joel in concert

About Billy Joel

Billy Joel, born William Martin Joel on May 9, 1949, is an American singer-songwriter, composer, and pianist. He is commonly known as the Piano Man and has been making music since the 1960s. Joel rose to prominence in the 1970s and 1980s with his chart-topping hits such as 'Piano Man', 'Uptown Girl', and 'We Didn't Start the Fire'.

Throughout his career, Billy Joel has faced both early struggles and achieved remarkable success. He has been recognized with numerous awards and accolades for his contributions to the music industry. Joel's ability to write songs that resonate with people and capture the essence of the time in which he lived has made him one of the most popular and esteemed recording artists and entertainers in the world.


Billy Joel's early musical influences were diverse, ranging from classical composers like Beethoven and Chopin to rock and roll icons like The Beatles and The Rolling Stones. He began playing piano at a young age and quickly realized his passion for music. In his teenage years, he played in several bands and honed his skills as a songwriter and performer.

In 1971, Joel released his debut studio album, 'Cold Spring Harbor', which received moderate success. However, it was his second album, 'Piano Man' (1973), that brought him widespread recognition. The album's title track became an instant hit and remains one of his most beloved songs to this day.

Throughout the 1970s and 1980s, Billy Joel continued to release a string of highly successful albums, including 'The Stranger' (1977), which produced hit singles like 'Just the Way You Are' and 'Movin' Out'; '52nd Street' (1978), which won the Grammy Award for Album of the Year; and 'Glass Houses' (1980), featuring the famous track 'It's Still Rock and Roll to Me'.

Joel's music often combines elements of rock, pop, and blues, and his lyrics are known for their introspective and storytelling nature. Many of his songs deal with themes of love, relationships, and life in New York City, where he is from

In addition to his successful music career, Billy Joel is also known for his energetic and engaging live performances. He has achieved numerous accolades, including induction into the Songwriters Hall of Fame, the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, and the Kennedy Center Honors.

Although Joel announced his retirement from recording new music in 1993, he has continued to perform live in concerts, delighting audiences around the world with his timeless hits. His music has left a lasting impact on the music industry, and he is regarded as one of the greatest singer-songwriters of his generation.

Billy Joel's Most Popular Songs

  1. 'Piano Man'- released in 1973
  2. 'Uptown Girl' - released in 1983
  3. 'We Didn't Start the Fire' - released in 1989
  4. 'Just the Way You Are' - released in 1977
  5. 'Movin' Out (Anthony's Song)' - released in 1977
  6. 'Only the Good Die Young' - released in 1977
  7. 'My Life' - released in 1978
  8. 'She's Always a Woman' - released in 1977
  9. 'The Longest Time' - released in 1984
  10. 'Scenes from an Italian Restaurant' - released in 1977

Billy Joel's Most Popular Albums

  1. The Stranger' - released in 1977. This album remains his best-selling studio album and achieved Diamond status in the US.
  2. '52nd Street' - released in 1978. It won the Grammy Award for Album of the Year and includes the hit single 'My Life'.
  3. 'Glass Houses' - released in 1980. It includes the popular songs 'You May Be Right' and 'It's Still Rock and Roll to Me'.
  4. 'An Innocent Man' - released in 1983. It features Joel paying homage to various musical styles of the 1950s and 1960s, including the hit singles 'Uptown Girl' and 'The Longest Time'.
  5. 'The Nylon Curtain' - released in 1982. It includes the politically themed song 'Allentown' and the heartfelt ballad 'She's Got a Way'.

These albums are widely regarded as some of Billy Joel's most successful and critically acclaimed works.

Mehr Informationen über Billy Joel

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