Jurassic Live VIP-Tickets

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Jurassic Live VIP & Hospitality Tickets

Zum 30-jährigen Jubiläum dieses ikonischen Films können Sie sich den Spielberg-Filmklassiker in Begleitung eines Live-Orchesters ansehen.

About Jurassic Live

Jurassic Live in Concert is an adrenaline-pumping live show that combines the iconic moments from the Jurassic World films with a full symphony orchestra performing the original score composed by Michael Giacchino. The show brings the thrilling world of dinosaurs to life on stage, creating a unique and immersive experience for the audience.

The production features a talented cast of performers who interact with the dinosaurs, creating intense action sequences and breathtaking stunts. The lifelike and detailed dinosaur puppets and animatronics make the audience feel like they are witnessing real dinosaurs roaming the stage.

The show also incorporates stunning visual effects, multimedia projections, and a dynamic set design to transport the audience to the lush and dangerous world of Isla Nublar. With the combination of live performances, music, and cutting-edge technology, Jurassic Live in Concert aims to create an unforgettable experience that appeals to fans of all ages.

In addition to the thrilling action, the show also delves into the moral and ethical dilemmas of cloning and genetic engineering, themes that are central to the Jurassic World franchise. It explores the consequences of humanity's attempts to manipulate nature and the challenges faced when these creations go awry.

Attending Jurassic Live in Concert is a great way to experience the excitement and awe of the Jurassic World films in a live setting. So, if you're a fan of dinosaurs and the Jurassic World franchise, this show is something worth checking out!

Mehr Informationen über Jurassic Live