Last updated 05.03.2025

Rihanna’s discography is chock full of number one hits, spanning from her first single ‘Pon de Replay’ to her latest album ANTI. Amongst those bangers are plenty of songs where Rihanna has collaborated with other singers, rappers, and DJs. 

Here we’ve made the definitive list of all of Rihanna's best collaborations to date, which truly shows off the range of music she can pull off. Discover some truly incredible Rihanna songs and while you’re here, register your interest in VIP tickets for Rihanna’s next tour!

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No. 10: ‘Princess of China’ with Coldplay

‘Princess of China’ is a song that really shows off Rihanna's vocal range as she belts alongside Chris Martin in this ancient story of love and sword fights as seen in the music video. The song was written specifically for Rihanna to feature on, and luckily for Chris and the band, she agreed!

The song charted well, debuting at number eight and gaining airplay for its heavy synths and drums that create an epic and sweeping sound that appeals to large stadium crowds. The conversation between Chris Martin and Rihanna in the song helps to tell the story of these ill-fated lovers.

No. 9: ‘Stay’ Mikky Ekko

This single ended up as a standout track on the Unapologetic album next to dance-heavy and club-ready tracks like ‘Diamonds.’ Featuring vocals by Mikky Ekko, ‘Stay’ is an emotional ballad about a love you can’t stay away from and not wanting your lover to leave. 

Rihanna is naked in a bathtub in the music video, adding to the stripped back vibe of the track. Seeing her without makeup and fashion shows the emotional and vulnerable nature of the lyrics, and remains a fan favourite to this day.

No. 8: ‘Can’t Remember to Forget You’ with Shakira

‘Can’t Remember to Forget You’ has fantastic reggae and rock elements that blend Rihanna and Shakira’s styles together perfectly, making more an explosive track that both singers dance to in the music video. It seems that Rihanna’s island influences and Shakira’s Latin sound work perfectly to make a hit.

No. 7: ‘What’s My Name?’ with Drake

‘What’s My Name?’ was all over the radio when it was first released in 2010, and for good reason. The catchy, repeating hook in the chorus, the dancehall, electro-R&B sound that you can’t help but dance to, and of course Rihanna’s iconic red hair that defined the Loud era.  

You can really hear Rihanna’s Barbadian accent in this song, which makes it even more unique as she incorporates island beats and words into the song, making it Caribbean-inspired and the perfect summer track in combination with Drake’s tongue-in-cheek rhymes.

No. 6: ‘Who’s That Chick?’ with David Guetta

In the 2010s era of pop music, everything David Guetta and Rihanna touched turned to platinum, so it makes sense that a song collaboration between the two would be so iconic. ‘Who’s That Chick?’ is wonderfully weird and out there, yet comes together to make a catchy and critically loved song. 

It’s a club-ready dance song with pounding synths and repetitive lyrics, with heavy auto-tune over Rihanna’s vocals making her sound like some kind of robot disco diva. The music video is a colourful, Doritos-sponsored explosion that somehow works despite its weirdness.

No. 5: ‘We Found Love’ with Calvin Harris

‘We Found Love’ is one of Rihanna’s most well-known songs, and is currently her most-streamed song on Spotify with 1,953,498,869 streams. Calvin Harris is a master of europop and electro house, which fit Rihanna’s vibe at the time very well. 

The music video, depicting Rihanna in a toxic relationship where they are having fun one moment and arguing the next, won the Grammy for Best Short Form Music Video at the 58th Grammy Awards.

No. 4: ‘Umbrella’ with Jay-Z

‘Umbrella’ was definitely Rihanna’s breakout song, and it’s thanks to Jay-Z that she was signed to Def Jam Recordings, creating quite a full circle moment with this song. Read more about the start of Rihanna’s career in our fun facts about Rihanna blog post! 

The repetitive hook of “umbrella, ella, ella” made this song a memorable hit, along with the crashing hi-hat and Jay-Z starting the track with “uh huh, uh huh.” It’s so iconic that it has been included in multiple ‘Best Songs of All Time’ lists and even Just Dance 4.

No. 3: ‘Work’ with Drake

Rihanna once again uses her Bajan accent unfiltered in ‘Work,’ tapping into her Caribbean heritage by using lyrics in Jamaican and barbadian Creole languages. Her island influence is what makes Rihanna so unique, and it’s great to hear her not water it down whatsoever.

Drake and Rihanna have made musical gold before, and it worked once again here, earning them nominations for Best Pop Duo/Group Performance and Record of the Year at the Grammys. 

No. 2: ‘FourFiveSeconds’ with Kanye West and Paul McCartney

FourFiveSeconds really made history when it was released in 2015, as an indie-pop and soul song that despite its unusual band of singers, works incredibly well. Rihanna’s vocals are the standout on this song, and alongside Kanye’s rap and Paul McCartney’s guitar, the trio seem unstoppable.

No. 1: ‘Wild Thoughts’ with DJ Khaled and Bryson Tiller

Perhaps it’s the incredible electric guitar riffs, or maybe it’s Rihanna’s laid-back, R&B vocals, but ‘Wild Thoughts’ is an absolute earworm with Latin flavour and a heat that makes it perfect for summer. Unsurprisingly, the song reached number two on the Billboard charts, which at this point was just another day for Rihanna.

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